What We Believe
Our Core Beliefs and Values

We believe in the God revealed in the Bible. In the Hebrew scriptures, God has a name, Yahweh, which means "I am who I am." God declares, "I am the creator of heaven and earth. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am the Redeemer of the world." We know who  God is through the story of his relationship to creation, to Israel, and to the nations.

Yahweh is revealed in the New Testament through the story of Jesus. Jesus is the Living Word, the full embodiment of God's grace and truth. The relationship between Yahweh and Jesus is portrayed as a Father and his Son. The essential truth about God, revealed in Jesus (and throughout the Bible), is that God is gracious and merciful. This is seen most clearly in the fact that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself. God, the creator and savior of the world, desires to have a loving and faithful relationship with each person.

We believe in the church, which is the community of believers who have been reconciled to God. They are transformed by his grace, guided by his truth, and obedient to his will. Through this community, God seeks to establish his kingdom in the hearts of every believer, and through them, throughout all creation.